Arlerhof local history museum

General information

The Arlerhof is the most beautiful preserved farm in the Auwinkel, its history goes back to 1325. The generous farm in Abtenau was managed until 1980 and since 1982 the Arlerhof has housed the Abtenau local history museum. If you visit during your vacation in the Salzburger Land, you will learn a lot of interesting and remarkable things about rural life in past centuries.
The spacious, original layout of the Arlerhof allows deep insights into life on a Salzburg farm. Self-sufficiency, self-sufficient lifestyle and the adaptation to the change of the seasons are evident in the buildings: the residential building, farm building, grain box, herb garden and apiary ensured that people and cattle could live and survive at the Arlerhof all year round. In addition, a mill and a Venetian saw were in use: All in all, a lot of work and thus supply for a whole group of residents.

Not only the farm, the Fischbach saw and the mill can be visited, but also part of the bird collection of the Archbishopric of St. Peter in Salzburg as well as the beekeeping and fire brigade museum. Incidentally, the mill and saw are operated every Wednesday from 14.00 p.m. during the summer months! In the summer months from the end of June to October 26th, the Arlerhof local history museum is always open on Wednesdays from 13.00 p.m. to 17.00 p.m. and Sundays from 14.00 p.m. to 17.00 p.m.

Group tours can be reserved with Mr. Georg Bachler on Tel. +43 (0) 664 1136003.


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